Did you know that the lavender species Lavandula angustifolia is the world's 'True Lavender'? It's the variety we grow on our South Island lavender farm and the safest and most popular lavender in the world. It's widely known that this versatile plant can provide us with essential oil for aromatherapy, inhalation and topical applications. But do you know any other lavender facts? We do and we've made a list of ten of the most interesting and fun facts to share with you!
10 Interesting & Fun Lavender Facts Lavender is a flowering perennial shrub which belongs to the mint family. With over 30 different lavender species, it is one of the most well-known and versatile plants in the world, with a special place in the heart of those who love and grow it. Having existed for thousands of years, history is packed with lavender facts and stories about how it has been grown and used over the ages. We've brought together our ten most favourite lavender facts to share with you.
1. Lavender is said to have been used for over 2,500 years, first by the Greeks who purchased it from Arabia. It was known as Nardus, a name given due to its origin from the Syrian city Naarda. Used at that time in incense, lavender was also said to be within the water Mary Magdalen washed Jesus' feet with before the crucifixion. There is also a written record dating back to 77AD which stated that a Greek physician found lavender assisted with the cleaning of wounds and burns, plus headaches, sore throats and indigestion if taken internally. 2. During the time of the Egyptians, lavender was used in the mummification process. In old tombs, jars which had been filled with unguents (an oil or balm), were found to contain traces of lavender. It was also found in massage oils, cosmetics and medicines. 3. Ancient Romans used lavender for its antiseptic and healing qualities, plus deterring insects. Roman soldiers used lavender on the battlefields, dressing wounds with it. They used the oil from the lavender plant in washing, cooking and as a kind of aromatherapy too. 4. The name lavender is thought to have originated from the French word lavandre, which came from the Latin root word lavare, which means 'to wash.’ 5. During viral epidemics, lavender flowers and branches burnt inside rooms of a house to help ward off 'bad emanations' by the Greeks, Persians and Romans. 6. Lavandula angustifolia, the species of lavender we grow and make our lavender essential oil from, is the plant from which the colour lavender got its name. 7. Queen Victoria required all her furniture to be polished with a lavender based polish and even drank tea infused with lavender to improve digestion. 8. Lavender plants thrive when grown in dry and sunny positions, with well-drained soil. It's one of the reasons why our lavender farm is the best in New Zealand! 9. Dried lavender was and still is placed within folded linen to keep it smelling fresh. Another option is to use lavender hydrosol, which is for sale in our online lavender store. 10. The flowers of the lavender plant are said to represent grace, serenity, purity and calmness. Lavender is one of the world's most popular plants and offers us plenty of wonderful benefits! It's time you started enjoying these benefits too - visit our store now to order your lavender oil today.